Yoga — The Vedic Philosophy, Structure And The Inner Engineering.
Yoga is a spiritual discipline based on a highly subtle science that focuses on bringing mind and body into harmony. It is both an art and science of living a healthy lifestyle. The name ‘Yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj,’ which means ‘to join, yoke, or unify.’ Yoga, according to Yogic texts, leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, implying complete harmony between the mind and body, as well as between Man and Nature.
Everything in the universe, according to current scientists, is only a manifestation of the same quantum firmament. A yogi is someone who has experienced this oneness of existence and has acquired the state of freedom known as Mukti, nirvana, or moksha. As a result, the goal of Yoga is to achieve Self-realization, which leads to ‘the state of liberation (Moksha) or ‘freedom’ (Kaivalya). Yoga practice should emphasise living with freedom in all aspects of life, as well as health and harmony. “Yoga” also refers to an inner science that includes a multitude of techniques for realising this union and gaining control over one’s fate.
Yoga, commonly regarded as an ‘immortal cultural result’ of the Indus Saraswati Valley civilization, which dates back to 2700 B.C., has proven to be beneficial to humanity’s material and spiritual well-being. Yoga Sadhana’s entire identity is based on basic humanitarian values.
Due to the oral transmission of sacred texts and the secrecy of its teachings, yoga’s past is riddled with mystery and confusion. Early yoga literature was recorded on delicate palm leaves that were easily damaged, destroyed, or lost. Yoga’s origins may be dated back over 5,000 years, however, other academics believe it could be as old as 10,000 years. Yoga’s lengthy and illustrious history may be split into four distinct periods of development, practice, and innovation.
The Vedic Resemblance:
What exactly is the Veda? Do you know that yoga is referred to as a “Vedic science” and that the Veda is the origin of yogic teaching? Do you know that the Gayatri mantra (the most famous of all yoga mantras) is designed to assist you in connecting with your inner guidance? Or that the maha Mrityunjaya mantra is frequently used to promote health and happiness? Whether you realise it or not, you’ve been reciting passages from the Veda.
The Veda is the oldest extant book in humanity’s collection. It was written thousands of years ago in northern India and northeastern Pakistan. Paginating through this ancient literature can give you direct access to the thoughts and prayers of yoga gurus from over 5,000 years ago.
It’s difficult to think of the Vedas without also thinking of Yoga because the Vedas advocate spiritual knowledge gained via meditation, which is achieved through Yoga practice. Yoga is a term that originated in the Vedas, where the root for Yoga, ‘Yuj,’ means to connect, yoke, or harness, and is used to describe not only horses and chariots but also the mind and senses. The yoking of the Vedic chariot (Ratha) is symbolic of more advanced Yoga practises of mind control.
Because we are approaching Yoga with a contemporary modern understanding of Yoga as a primary asana or physical postures, several people today fail to see the Rigveda’s yogic essence. In the Vedas and classical yogic books, such as the Yoga Sutras, asanas have a minor role, with only two of the two hundred sutras devoted to them.
Yoga is addressed throughout the Vedas in a clear but unique way. Mantra Yoga is where the Vedas begin as mantras. This is not uncharacteristic of Yoga in general, as the Yoga Sutras emphasise Pranava, or Divine Word, as a primary principle of Yoga practice, meaning that Mantra Yoga is important. The Vedas are mantras in and of themselves, and chanting them is a form of Mantra Yoga. Even today, Mantra Yoga uses Vedic mantras like Gayatri and is based on the Sanskrit language, which has its origins in the Vedas.
However, the mantra has a practical application in the form of ritual or karma. Karma Yoga is the counterpart to Vedic Mantra Yoga. The Vedas describe the initial rites that underpin the practice of Karma Yoga, which still makes considerable use of Vedic fire offerings in India today. Mantra is used to teach Dharma, or life’s rules. As a result, the Vedas promote sacrifice, giving, and assisting others, which is the foundation of Seva, or service, which is another major part of Karma Yoga.
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