The subtle body is characterised in the Bhagavad Gita as a combination of the mind, intellect, and ego, and it is the subtle body that controls the bodily. The yogi senses pleasure and misery through the subtle body.
A person is made up of three bodies, according to Hindu and yogic philosophy: the karana sharira (causal body), sukshma sharira (subtle body), and karya sharira (physical body) (gross physical body).
The multiple energetic layers that make up a human being beyond physicality are referred to as the subtle body.
It is made up of three of the five koshas (sheaths) that make up human existence:
The sheath of vital life force/energy is known as the pranamaya kosha.
The mental or psychic sheath is known as manomaya kosha.
vijnanamaya kosha: the wisdom and intelligence sheath.
The subtle body is depicted as emanating from the causal body and manifesting and governing all elements of the physical body in ancient Indian literature such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.
All three bodies are interrelated, and maximum existence happens when they work together in harmony. The subtle body is thought to transmigrate after physical death, acting as a conduit for rebirth. The subtle body is also known as the linga sharira in addition to the Sanskrit name sukshma sharira (astral body).
What exactly is Subtle Body
The idea of a subtle body is essential to Yogic, Tantric, and Taoist traditions, as well as various Hindu and Buddhist schools.
Subtle body awareness can be established through the third eye, even though it cannot be seen with the physical eye. Each layer of the subtle body, as it moves outwards from the physical body, is supposed to vibrate at a quicker pace than the one before it. The subtle body encompasses pancha jnanendriya (the five sense organs), pancha karmendriya (the five action organs: feet, hands, rectum, genitals, and mouth), as well as the mind, intellect, and ego, in addition to the energetic, psychological, and knowledge sheaths. As a result, cultivating a knowledge of the subtle body is a means of comprehending reactions, responses, and a feeling of self.
Each of the three bodies is responsible for transporting the Self along the path to freedom from pain and the rebirth cycle.
It is possible to manipulate the energies of the physical and subtle bodies as a means of connecting with the higher Self, through the causal body following yoga techniques such as asana, pranayama, and meditation. Each body has its own koshas, or layers of awareness, which conceal the actual Self.
The yogi draws closer to oneness with the cosmos and his/her actual Self as each layer is discovered and removed. Through three of The Eight Limbs of Yoga:
Pranayama (breathing exercises), pratyhara (sensory withdrawal), and dharana (concentration), the yogi peels back these layers in the subtle body (concentration).
As one’s consciousness of one’s own body grows, so does one’s understanding of the true Self, Atman, and the forging of a connection with universal energy, or Brahman.
Prana (vital life force energy) passes through the subtle body along paths known as nadis, which converge at energy centres called the Chakras, according to the Yogic system.
Any obstruction or imbalance in this system can result in physical and emotional discomfort, as well as illness and disease. The subtle body paradigm is employed as a map of central nervous system function in traditional Indian and Tibetan medicine.
What are the 7 subtle bodies?
Many people are unaware that our physical bodies are not our only bodies. Humans have seven subtle bodies, making them multi-dimensional entities. These subtle beings have diverse frequencies of vibration and interact energetically with both the physical and non-physical worlds. It refers to the various energetic layers that make up your aura or auric energy system.
Each of the seven subtle bodies can aid you on your spiritual journey if you know and comprehend them. This article will teach you how to recognise the energetic properties of each body and how to use them to improve your health and vitality, as well as to deal with problems in your daily life.
The Seven Subtle Bodies Are:
- Etheric Body
- Emotional Body
- Mental Body
- Astral Body
- Etheric Template Body
- Celestial Body
- Causal Body
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