Goodness Of Omega 3 In Diabetic Neuropathy and general wellbeing

Partho Ghosh
8 min readDec 9, 2022


Omega 3 fatty acid is a wonder nutrient that massively helps your nerves to stay healthy. The body’s functioning depends on nerves. They allow people to move, communicate how things feel, and take control of automatic processes like breathing. When the nerve gets damaged it disturbs almost all normal functions of your body. Some affect the nerves in the periphery, while others harm the nerves that supply the interior organs, including the heart, bladder, and gut. It can impact a variety of bodily processes in this way.

Nerves require nutrition to maintain their health, which is why neuropathy treatment regimens almost always include dietary changes that incorporate, add, and refill Omega 3 fatty acid diets. Let us go into this topic to see how Omega 3 fatty acids aid to battle diabetic neuropathy to a limited extent, as this disease cannot be permanently cured.

What Is Omega 3

A significant family of polyunsaturated fats is the omega-3 family, which is a class of fatty acids advantageous to human health in a number of ways. assisting with crucial body functions. They include cardiovascular processes such as lowering blood cholesterol levels, blood clotting levels (which help prevent stroke and heart attacks), blood pressure, minimising the risk of atherosclerosis, and more. Additionally, it aids in the prevention of autoimmune disorders and infections.

The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for brain health, for the prevention of Alzheimer’s and other brain-related disorders, and even for the treatment of depression and attention deficit disorder have been amply demonstrated. These are necessary fats that the body cannot produce on its own and must obtain from meals. Among the foods high in omega-3 are fish, flaxseed oil, nuts (especially walnuts), flax seeds, vegetable oils, and green vegetables.

What Is Diabetic Neuropathy?

A critical and frequent consequence of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is diabetic neuropathy. It is a form of nerve injury brought on by persistently high blood sugar levels. High blood fat or sugar levels can cause neuropathy by harming the body’s nerves. With a variety of symptoms, it can affect almost any nerve in the body. The illness typically takes years or even decades to fully manifest.

If you have diabetes and experience numbness, weakness, tingling, or feeling in your hands or feet, you should see a doctor or healthcare professional as these are the early indicators of peripheral neuropathy. The danger usually arises when an ulcer forms on your foot and you are unable to feel pain. You may be more prone to wounds or infections if your peripheral neuropathy is severe or has been present for a time. Amputation may be necessary for severe circumstances due to infection or poor wound healing.

There are mainly four types of diabetic neuropathy such as.

  • Peripheral neuropathy: Hands and feet are impacted by this. The most typical type of diabetic neuropathy is this one.
  • Autonomic neuropathy: This affects the nerves that regulate the body’s automatic processes, including digestion, and urine.
  • Proximal neuropathy (diabetic polyradiculopathy): This is a condition that affects nerves in a particular area of the body, such as the legs or chest wall.
  • Mononeuropathy (focal neuropathy): This usually damages any one neuron.

Why Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids Unique?

They are a crucial component of all cell membranes in the body and have an impact on how cell receptors work in those membranes. They operate as the building blocks for the hormones that regulate blood coagulation, artery wall contraction, and inflammation.

They also attach to cell receptors that regulate gene activity. Omega-3 fats have been demonstrated to help prevent heart disease and stroke may help manage lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may play a preventive role in cancer and other illnesses.

The majority of the fats that the body needs can be made by it from other fats or simple substances. Omega-3 fatty acids, generally known as omega-3 fats, are an exception to this rule.

Omega-3 Types And Its Conversions

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are commonly referred to as marine omega-3s because they are mostly found in fish.

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the most prevalent omega-3 fatty acid in the majority of Western diets, can be found in leafy green vegetables, flax seeds and flaxseed oil, vegetable oils, nuts (especially walnuts), and some animal fat, particularly from grass-fed animals. The conversion of ALA into EPA and DHA is fairly limited because the human body typically consumes it for energy.

Alpha-linolenic (ALA), which is present in a variety of plant-based foods, EPA, and DHA, which are present in deep and cold water algae and consequently also in the fish that consume them, are basically the three different kinds of omega-3.fatty acids

Although the body can also make DHA and EPA from ALA, these active forms are already present in the body. The primary nutritional element affecting this ability to convert is the ratio of omega 3 fatty acids to omega 6 fatty acids. High trans fat, caffeine, and alcohol intakes as well as vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and B-group vitamin deficits are additional dietary variables linked to reduced omega-3 synthesis.

Age and gender are non-nutritional factors that influence conversion. Women’s bodies do better than men’s bodies in this regard and are typically able to continue this conversion for a longer length of time (perhaps because they need to deliver enough omega-3 for their kids). This conversion is also hampered by smoking, diabetes, and dyslipidemia (high blood lipid levels).

Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids:

Regularises Heart Beats

The strongest support for the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids comes from heart disease. These lipids appear to help the heart beat steadily and prevent dangerous or even fatal irregular beats. These arrhythmias are responsible for high rates of cardiac deaths that take place each year across the universe are brought on by such arrhythmias.

Notably, there was a roughly 50% reduction in the incidence of sudden cardiac death. Participants in the more recent Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study (JELIS) were less likely than statin-only participants to experience a major coronary event, such as sudden cardiac death, a reversible or non-reversible heart attack, angina pectoris, or to open or bypass a blocked or narrowed coronary artery.

Maintains Blood Pressure

Omega-3 fats also improve blood vessel function, lower triglycerides at larger doses, and lower blood pressure and heart rate. They may help reduce inflammation, which contributes to the formation of atherosclerosis.

May Reduce Inflammation

Research has demonstrated that DHA and EPA can lower inflammation, which has been linked to a number of cardiovascular diseases, according to an article in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

Fish-oil supplements having omega 3 as a vital component appeared to help those with rheumatoid arthritis, but there was no discernible advantage for those with asthma or inflammatory bowel disease.

Helps In Weight Loss

Weight loss is frequently listed as one of the advantages of using fish oil supplements.

Dieters who are trying to lose weight frequently feel more hungry. It explains why omega-3 fatty acid supplements are occasionally suggested to reduce hunger. However, the degree to which this nutrient suppresses appetite will depend on an individual’s health and metabolism.

In one study, participants who were overweight or obese were placed on an Omega 3 fatty acid-rich diet. The control group consumed a low-nutrient diet. The purpose of this study was to find out if omega-3 had an impact on food consumption. The findings demonstrated a favourable association; over time, those who consumed foods high in omega-3 felt less

Aids In Increasing Metabolic Rates

You burn much more calories each day if your metabolic rate is high which is brought by Omega 3. Additionally, it implies that you can eventually keep the weight off. Omega 3 has been shown in numerous studies to help boost metabolism. Both young adults in good health and older women in good health have shown that this vitamin has an impact on metabolism.

Burns More Calories During Exercise

According to research, omega-3 may boost the number of calories burned while exercising. The nutrients cause your body to start using fat reserves as energy during exercise rather than carbohydrates. Women who took fish oil daily in one study burnt more calories than those who didn’t. Fish oil supplements are a successful weight loss method since they are taken in conjunction with an exercise programme.

Builds Muscle Mass

In most cases when fish oil did not promote weight loss, it promoted fatty acid reduction and muscle development instead. Participants saw a decrease in waist circumference despite their weights staying the same. Additionally, their hip-to-waist ratios shrank. With diet and exercise, fish oil may therefore enable you to lose one or two dress sizes.

Keep in mind that fat burns fewer calories than muscles. While a result, taking fish oil supplements causes you to burn more energy as you gain muscle. If you make the correct lifestyle adjustments, you can finally see improvement on the scale.

Inhibition Of Insulin

According to a study in the International Journal Of Obesity, the effects of omega-3 fatty acids for weight loss are due to insulin suppression. The same diet was given to two participant groups with the exception of fish. In comparison to the control group, the fish oil group lost more fat and had a greater metabolic rate.

For the group taking fish oil, the insulin levels were 50% lower. When someone consumes calories, insulin inhibits fat burning and encourages fat storage. It prevents the enzyme lipase from converting fat into energy. Additionally, it turns on an enzyme that turns carbs into fat. Therefore, a decrease in insulin results in increased fat burning.

Natural Source Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

1. Anchovies (411 Mg Per Serving)

Small, fatty anchovies are frequently purchased in cans in dried form. Anchovies can be rolled around capers, inserted inside olives, or used as a pizza and salad topping. They are typically consumed in very little amounts.

They are also used to flavour a variety of foods and sauces, such as Worcestershire sauce, remoulade, and Caesar dressing, due to their potent flavour. Niacin, selenium, and calcium are all nutrients that are abundant in anchovies, which are also good sources of niacin.

411 mg of EPA and DHA (combined) are present in 5 anchovies (20 grams), or 2,053 mg in 3.5 ounces, of omega-3 content (100 grams).

2. Fish Liver Oil ( 2,438 Mg Per Serving)

Cod liver oil is majorly considered a dietary supplement than a food. It is, as its name suggests, oil that has been taken from the livers of codfish. A single tablespoon of this oil provides 170% and 453% of the Daily Value (DV) for the vitamins D and A, in addition to being high in omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore if you intake just 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil, it will suffice more than your needs for three crucial elements. To avoid injury, don’t consume more than 1 tablespoon at once of vitamin A.

2,438 mg of EPA and DHA (combined) are found in omega-3 per tablespoon.

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Partho Ghosh
Partho Ghosh

Written by Partho Ghosh

I am a Freelance Copy and Content Writer. I Write Copy to Help You Deliver Message to Your Clients. I write, fresh and eye-catching content.

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