Does God Answer Our Prayers In 2022
Prayer is a wonderful benefit, and we are assured that God is constantly attentive, but it frequently requires some effort to discern his solutions. Prayer makes us feel at ease, relieved, and filled with love; thus, we know God hears us. We’ve seen how He protects all of us in difficult situations and from numerous threats on a daily basis, and we can all feel His love in a variety of ways. Everything is heard by God, including prayers.
Prayer is a practice that is gravely misunderstood. Since the term “pray” in English has the primary meaning of “request,” there is a widespread misconception that prayer is primarily about asking for things like health, wealth, success, and other things.
In an effort to overcome their powerlessness in the face of tremendous natural forces, the primitive and uninformed sometimes turn to prayer, which is frequently viewed as a form of quasi-magic. Religious prayer routines are often seen by many as pointless, archaic, formal rites that are done in a language they do not comprehend and have nothing to do with their inner selves or personal problems.
It is mostly forgotten that many people found it quite natural to converse openly and spontaneously to God in their own native tongue up until our great-grandparents’ generation, discussing all their wants and pouring out their hearts. The majority of people today find the concept of speaking to God in your own words mysterious, uncomfortable, and surreal. God is incredibly awesome and remote. How should you communicate with Him? How could God care about all of our trivial issues and needs?
Let’s find out the mystery
In any event, why is it essential to communicate with God since He already knows everything, including our thoughts? And what sort of discourse is it, anyway? Talking to someone allows you to observe their reactions and hear what they have to say. God’s response is…
Although “it is not in the Heavens…..The command to act is extremely close to you and is already in your heart and mouth. Speaking to God “out there” is not a requirement of prayer. It can be as straightforward and personal as speaking to your own heart. Even though prayers of request and petition, especially for spiritual illumination, occupy a significant place in many of the Psalms and prayers of the Siddur [the Jewish prayer book], they are simply one component of prayer, according to the actual substance of these prayers and Psalms.
God is universal. Nothing escapes him. He has control over all he has made. Therefore, the question is not whether God knows about every prayer — He does — but rather, is God listening to our petitions with the intention of responding? The Impartial Lord would change his attitude toward those who pray if He were to grant people’s requests in response to their prayers. Yet the faith is such that people thong the “ghats of Kashi” and pray for “Moksha“.
So, how does God grant the requests of His followers?
According to the Bhagavad Gita, verse 21, Lord Krishna says, “Whatever form a devotee wishes to worship with “faith,” Lord Krishna declares, “that “faith” of his I establish strong in him.”
From a material standpoint, when we pray and make a decision to accomplish something, we grow in “faith” in the end result and self-assurance in our ability to do it. Faith is a developing belief that is based on knowledge. This “faith” grows as the mind improves productivity. A focused mind is a powerful force that no obstacle can withstand for very long. This
Regardless of the objective, it is this “faith” that ultimately leads each of us to achievement.
Next, what? How does one go about getting what one wants?
A man puts more effort into his work as a result of his “faith” in his chosen field. The Lord acknowledges that it is by “His” grace that “faith” grows, and as a result, so do the efforts. Our wishes are being satisfied as a result of our increasing efforts. Therefore, individuals who just beg without always working hard to attain their goals make the complaint that they have been praying for years but that their prayers have never been heard.
This verse is crucial from a spiritual perspective since it has helped define the Hindu people’s unfathomable level of tolerance for all other religions in the world. “Truth is one; sages label it by several names,” the Hindu is aware. Whatever shape man chooses to worship his God in, God will be made known to him in that form.
The secret to success is the same for both material and spiritual prosperity. If one wants material goods, they come true; Also if one wants spiritual experiences, they come true as well. If one’s desires are materialistic, one will be satisfied right away by using worldly “devatas” (powers).
Even though our efforts are the same, our outcomes depend on whether we strive for fleeting pleasures in the outside world or go inward to find permanent bliss within. In other words, if our wishful thinking is strong enough, we can achieve our goals. We achieve the required mental unity through prayer, which ensures our success in any endeavour.
Prayer Is Not Begging
Recall that prayer is not begging. It also goes beyond the simple mechanical repetition of extravagant praise for an unknowable being known as God in a language that is foreign to the believer. Prayer is an invocation made with the mind focused on the larger reality of life, the essential life that energises, activates, and thrills the inert world of matter into living beings. As it expands, prayer soars higher into realms of joyful sensations and authentic unfoldments.
How can I be sure that God is hearing my prayers?
God either hears you or He doesn’t, so consider that. There is obviously no point in praying if He does not respond. But if He does (and He does! ), we must learn how to effectively communicate with Him in prayer, discern His guidance, and proceed faithfully.
Maybe we need to go through some personal growth when we feel like He’s not listening. You might ponder the following queries: Am I tidy? Are my intentions noble? Am I ready to comply with His requests? You can have faith that “the Lord, thy God, shall… grant thee answer to thy requests” if the response to each of these questions is yes, keep in mind that solutions may appear subtly or unexpectedly.
If you answered no to some of those questions, it’s never too late to change your mind! Make the required lifestyle adjustments to receive the Spirit. Be prepared to respond to the prompts you get.
Also, keep in mind that every person interprets responses differently. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to recognize the right responses in your prayers. At first, it might not be simple to spot them, but as with any other ability, practice makes perfect. Believe and have confidence that God is constantly listening.
Try to be receptive to the Holy Spirit. It’s possible that you’re looking for a quiet, small voice when the prompting may really come to you as a feeling because everyone hears the Holy Ghost differently. You just need to listen, and I’m confident that the Holy Ghost will provide all the information you require.
How does God communicate?
Once, I was debating whether or not to go on a date with a non-member. A sister gave a message in a sacrament meeting one Sunday that seemed to be specifically addressed to me. I was given confirmation that the Lord had heard my prayer at that precise moment. I was at first unsure about what to do, but the Holy Spirit suddenly gave me a consolation ghost who gave my heart courage and gladness. God speaks to us through emotions, thoughts, the Bible, and even sermon speakers!
Belief in Him
God ( Lord Krishna, Shiva, Rama, or, Jesus), ) whoever you worship, always hears our petitions, but occasionally it may appear as though He is not responding because He may not do so at the time or in the manner that we would choose. We must be prepared to cede our will to His and trust that He is aware of our best interests. Our God adores us and always will. As He grants our requests, our loving God will always make an effort to aid us in growing and learning.
Ask, and It Is Given To You
The Bible teaches us that if we pray to God with faith and sincere intent, He will always hear us and grant our requests. We shall experience reassurance that He hears us in our hearts, along with a sense of calm and tranquilly. When we do the Father’s will, we can also sense that everything will be OK. If we have any doubts about whether He hears us, we should look to the Bible for direction before we inquire about the veracity of what we read.
Following your prayer, you can pay attention to the thoughts and desires that arise in your heart. You might find the answer to your request in one of these. When we sincerely and intently pray, our God replies in accordance with the level of faith we place in Him. He doesn’t answer only to pique our interest.
God desires that we pray
He gave us the gift of prayer to allow us to worship Him confess our sins, ask for forgiveness, ask Him to provide for our necessities and unite our wills with His. Only one sort of prayer is certain to be answered. The Lord is ready to hear from us when we come to Him in sincere repentance.
Even though the Lord hears and knows everything, there are some situations where He will not heed our prayers:
1. If you are sinful
God will not answer our prayers when we choose to hold onto our sins rather than confess and reform. I don’t look at you when you extend your hands in prayer, and I don’t pay attention to your repeated prayers either. Your hands are drenched in blood. If someone ignores my instructions, even their prayers are disgusting.
Example: A young couple engages in sexual transgression while cohabitating, yet they pray for God to bless their household.
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